Make Acapella Your Forté

Bria Simmons, Art and Entertainment Editor

The new app Acapella has taken the social media world by storm, or should I say by song. This free app is number one on the App Store top charts for free apps(as of November 12, 2015) and for great reason. This app not only allows people to sing Acapella, but to create more than one beat or sound without the help of other people. When making an Acapella video, you first go through the process of selecting a layout. For this step there are many different options, as you can choose from 48 different layouts with various arrangements and numbers of sections per layout, which will depend on how many sounds you anticipate you will make.

After selecting a layout, you decide how long your video will be. The time ranges from as short as six seconds, to as long as one minute. You then proceed to making the video, selecting one section to sing in for the time length selected. One downside is that if you choose a layout with twelve boxes and you choose a time length of one minute for example, you may only want to sing for a few seconds for one section, yet you have to keep recording for the entire minute. The creators could’ve possibly made an option where you can end the video early without deleting it to avoid this nuisance

There are some hidden features that can help to make the Acapella video better than you might have anticipated. There’s a small music symbol in the bottom left corner that you can click and adjust the time signature, beats per minute, and can even play the song you would like to sing in the background to help you out. You can also add filters, change the color of the Acapella watermark, and adjust the sounds of each section in order to give the desired effect.

Acapella is a great app to use if you sing professionally, or if you just have some free time and want to play around. Either way it’s definitely fun, and although all the steps may at first seem intimidating, they are definitely easier then they appear to be.