Opinion: The Problem is Guns

More than 750,000 people gather on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., to advocate for gun violence prevention on March 24, 2018. (Getty/Giles Clarke)

Gabriella Patrick

Guns a blazin’, bullets ripple making a gory uproar, destroying anything in their path. Sounds of whimpering and screeches fill the air during a moment of absolute chaos. Comfortability has been disrupted and lives lost. 

The handler of these bullets can rattle a community’s resolve and make one feel unsafe in a place they once used to feel safe in. 

Everyday locations have now become harsh memories causing you to hold your breath. 


Prejudice and hatred. A red mixture used to instill violence. 

Some are targeted and selected out of the herd because of who they are. Why children? Why a family? Why a completely innocent bystander? Why a school? 

Why them?

Names are now endlessly stained with the shooting, not by choice.

They didn’t choose this!


The Allen Mall Shooting: May 6th, 2023

The Lousiville Bank Shooting: April 10th, 2023

St.Charles Town Center Shooting: May 7, 2023

Midtown Atlanta Shooting: May 3, 2023

Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting: December 14, 2012

Fort Hood Shooting: November 5, 2009

Virginia Tech Shooting: April 16, 2007  

Columbine High School Massacre: April 20, 1999

The list continues


The list of shootings in the United States continues to happen and continues to shock many different communities. How do you feel safe knowing that people your age are losing their lives at the hands of gun violence? Gun violence has been prevalent in our everyday day society since the very beginning. There needs to be gun control reforms. As a nation, we need to ban assault weapons, as they have no place near a playground.

Though there is no definitive solution to gun violence, reforms are inklings of progress in regard to shielding our nation from gun-aiding rampages.