Contribute to ERHS’s Fashion Community With a New Magazine Project


Freshman Caroline Tornquist uses her sewing machine. Photo courtesy of Caroline Tornquist

Ame'lie Helfrich and Olivia Visnic

Eleanor Roosevelt High School is a place of diverse fashion and style. Fashion trends at ERHS have grown and become more popular over the past years with the influence of social media, and many students have developed a strong interest in fashion and design. This can be seen in the numerous student-founded clubs at ERHS dedicated to topics related to fashion and clothing, such as the fashion club, sewing/knitting club, and modeling club. Our plan is to create a monthly magazine, starting next month, that will feature student created and designed fashion pieces corresponding with an important holiday or event occurring that month and the ERHS student takes on fashion trends.

For the month of January, we will just be doing this introduction in order to stir excitement and introduce the future magazines, but starting in February, we are going to create the first magazine. Along with pictures of the clothing and a small summary of what it is, who designed and created it, and why it relates to the theme, we are also going to cover the fashion trends going on during that month, and how people at ERHS are participating in them. We are very excited to see how people at ERHS are participating in these trends, and we hope you are too! Our first monthly theme is going to feature a traditional African-American clothing piece for African-American History Month which takes place in February.

Freshman Caroline Tornquist tells us that she loves fashion “because ever since I  was a kid, I loved to dress up and wear fancy clothes. About a year ago, I got my sewing machine, and ever since, I’ve been obsessed with making things. I want to be a part of the fashion magazine to better my sewing skills and get practice in something I’m interested in.” Caroline is one of many who will be helping us create the pieces for our magazine once we get up and running next month! 

The pieces that will be featured in these monthly magazines will be created by students at ERHS that are interested in fashion design, making clothes, and taking photographs for our magazine. In addition, we hope to have student-organized fashion related fundraisers such as runways, that will not only help to raise money for our club, other clubs, and charity, but gather people who are interested in fashion that want to help us. This would become possible and successful if enough interest is shown from students reading the magazine.

If you are interested in contributing to the project, contact the following people:

Olivia Visnic
Ame’lie Helfrich