Holiday Tunes: Getting into the Holiday Spirit


Vanessa Imonide, Staff Writer

With the holiday season approaching, Christmas music is a favorite for some people. Frank Sinatra, Eartha Kitt, and others are the classics. Students have expressed their favorite holiday activities, and music is heavily involved.

Senior Lillian Sanchez said that she listens to holiday music on the day of the holiday. “It helps me get hype for the holidays.” Sanchez said that she only listens to the original holiday music around this time; “I’ve just always enjoyed oldies around this season better.”

Sophomore Joan Ononogbo stated that she doesn’t strictly listen to holiday music, but at least “75% of the music I listen to is holiday related.” She also mentioned that “I prefer listening to the original holiday music, it puts me in more of a holiday mood.”

Junior Jade Allain said that during the holiday season, she still listens to her normal playlists, but “I throw in a few of my favorite Christmas songs.” She enjoys a mixture of both old and new holiday music. “Stevie Wonder, Mariah Carey, Ariana Grande and Eartha Kitt sing some of my favorite old and new Christmas songs.”

Music from each era is usually on the radio during the holiday season. Recent hits include Sia’s Everyday is Christmas album, Justin Bieber’s “Mistletoe,” Ariana Grande’s “Santa Tell Me,” and much more!