Students Say What They Would Do With a Million Dollars


The NCAA is a billion dollar industry.

Vanessa Imonide, Staff Writer

People have received a million dollars and more due to a lottery win. Most of them always say they would give out their money to charity, or to invest in it. Our students at Roosevelt give their input if they were in that situation.

Sophomore Estefany Ariasmartinez states that she would invest in the million. “[She] would invest it in a car and then a house for [her] parents and then afterwards [she] would start saving the money that [she] still has.” Ariasmartinez wouldn’t spend it all.

Junior Fougeley Denis states, “If I had the opportunity to win $1 million I would finish my high school education and attended any college I wanted without worry about tuition.” Davis says she would invest the rest of the money into a business in order to make more. “I would happily graduate debt free!” she says.

Senior Kimberly Watson says that she would spend the money to pay off college tuition and then invest in the rest of the money. “I don’t mind a little splurge here and there,” Watson states.