Are the temps safe during an emergency?

Angel Major, Student Life Editor

PGCPS makes students do practice safety drills often. These drills are to help students know what to do in a state of an emergency. But are there flaws in the execution? 

Emergencies such as fires, armed attacks and earthquakes can be very scary. Fire drills are the drill that we practice most often. Everyone is to evacuate from the building in an orderly fashion. This is very important for a safe evacuation in the case of real fire.

In these states of emergencies communication is key. Not only staff to staff communication but also communication with the students. Last month the school had to put these evacuation skills to the test when there was a gas leak coming from the football field. Letting students and teachers know on the intercom not to evacuate towards the back of the school potentially saved a lot of people from being affected by the gas leak.

At ERHS, there are temporary classrooms also known as temps who might not be so protected during state of emergencies. It’s not very easy to hide during a lockdown being in a temp you are like an “open target” said senior Brian Velasquez “If someone comes to shoot up the school there isn’t really anywhere we could go, we’re sitting ducks.”

AP capstone teacher Mr. Troy Bradbury  added “ I think as a teacher who doesn’t teach in the temps, the temps pose an issue that is difficult. And I hope that nothing ever happens because the temps are hard to secure.”

There are not many places to seek shelter at during things like hurricanes or tornados in the temps either. If you are in a temp or any part of the building during an emergency please remember to try to take all given precautions and stay as low as possible and take cover if necessary. Visit for more tips on how to be prepared.

An  Earthquake hasn’t happened in years Maryland. However, according to Red Cross In the case of an earthquake people should, “drop, cover and hold on.”  Drop to the ground and take cover. Try to find something to protect your head a lot of earthquake related injuries and deaths are from falling debris landing on people’s heads so protect yourself as best as possible. Red Cross also notes “Doorways are no stronger than any other part of a structure so don’t rely on them for protection! During an earthquake, get under a sturdy piece of furniture and hold on.”