Ask Zsyrii : Motivation Gone

Zsyrii Ennis, Staff Writer

Dear Zsyrii,

School is getting really boring and I want to know how do I stay motivated and continue the school year without skipping?



Dear Tired,

School gets a little monotonous after having the same classes everyday for almost 10 months. So I completely understand that you’re tired and may be losing your motivation. Some things that may help you stay motivated are taking a new approach to your school work or your homework. If you always do your work the same way it may become a little boring, so you should try something new while doing work. Trying a new routine could help. In addition, your attitude has a large impact on your school day and how well you perform, so if you go into the school day with a negative attitude then your actions will be carried through with negative intent. Try focusing on doing things before you attend school that make you happier throughout your school day. Motivation comes from within–self motivate yourself in the morning so it can trickle down throughout the rest of your day.