Dear Jethro,
I am in a relationship and my friends have been telling me not to trust my boyfriend. I’ve known my friends for more than 4 years but I really like this guy. What should I do?
Sincerely, Torn
Dear Torn,
From the way I see it, there really is no correct answer for your dilemma. While this may sound a bit cliché, it’s sometimes a good idea to “follow your heart” and trust your gut instinct. If you really like this guy, then nothing (except the law and possibly your parents) should stop you from seeing him. However, your friends are just looking out for you. If you have known your friends for much longer than you have known your boyfriend, and you know that they care about you, they may have a point. You might still be in that “puppy love” phase where you are blinded by your feelings for him and thinking that he’s “oh so perfect” while your friends can see his flaws, and can see that he isn’t the right person for you. Not to assume the worst, but your friends might know something about him that you do not. He may have been cheating on you behind your back and your friends are trying to find a way to tell you without upsetting you. If you feel that your friends are making incorrect assumptions about him, straight up ask them why they don’t trust him. Is there something about him that gives them a reason to be mistrustful of him? Take everything into consideration because if your friends collectively share the same opinion about him, there must be a valid reason. Either way, the choice boils down to you on whether you want to trust your friends or trust your heart.
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