Happy New Year and welcome to 2015! Everyone knows that along with the new year comes the people who say “New Year, New Me,” referring to the resolutions that they make that will somehow make them a “new” person. However, it is also a common stigma that no one ever keeps their New Years resolutions. For example, gyms are most crowded in January, as people who made a New Years resolution to become healthier or lose weight rush in. If you still haven’t made your New Year’s resolution, allow me to help you out:
1. Examine yourself to see if you want to change anything
I personally believe that everyone is perfect in their own way, but if you yourself feel that you want to change for the better, then by all means, do it. Whether it be a physical change (such as to lose weight or change your hairstyle) or a personality change (such as to be nicer to other people) or something else, look for the changes you want to happen as the basis for your resolution.
2. Think small for big results
A common mistake people make when making their resolutions is choosing something that is impossible or something that takes a long time to accomplish. In order to keep your New Years resolution attainable, make smaller, short-term goals that you can easily accomplish, instead of larger, long-term goals. In the end, these small accomplishments will add up and you will feel good about yourself in the process.
3. Be specific in your resolution
Another mistake people make when creating their New Year’s resolutions is being too vague. Make your resolution specific so you have a better idea of what to do to initiate the proper action and accomplish your goals. For example, instead of saying, “This year, I will get in shape,” say “This year, I will run on the treadmill every morning and eat healthier to lose 50 pounds by the end of the year.” Sure, it’s longer but specific resolutions will be much more effective than short, vague ones.
4. Tweak your resolution throughout the year as necessary
Let’s say you have successfully created a New Year’s resolution and you happen to be one of the rare people that actually follows it throughout the year, but then it doesn’t seem to work. For example, you have made a resolution to lose weight, but eating an apple a day doesn’t seem to be doing anything. Tweak it to get the results you want, by cutting out sugary or processed foods. No one said that resolutions are permanent, they are fluid and can change at any time according to your needs.
5. Give yourself self-affirmation from time to time
Even if you haven’t completed your goal, or aren’t even halfway through achieving it, give yourself a pat on the back from time to time. While mentally acknowledging yourself is helpful, giving yourself something as a reward will work even better. For example, if your resolution is to lose weight, and you’ve been cutting out processed and sugary foods for a while, treat yourself to a small serving of chocolate or ice cream when you see results. Rewarding yourself is great motivation to continue working towards your goal.
I know it’s a little bit past New Years by now, but that doesn’t mean that you still can’t set goals for yourself. I hope you have a great year!
Wishing you the best,