On Tuesday, January 16, and Friday, January 19, all PGCPS schools were canceled because of last week’s snowstorm. There was also a 2-hour delay on Wednesday, January 17, and a school closing for MLK Day on Monday, January 15, making Thursday, January 18, the only regular school day that week. In response to the shortened school week, students and teachers took the time to relax, catch up on work, and play in the 3 inches of snow dumped from the storm.
The ERHS scholars took advantage of the snow days and played in the white powder to their hearts’ content. Sophomore Charis Moore “made a snowman with her little brother,” but it quickly got destroyed when her dog “tackled it facefirst.” While it stood for only a few seconds, the snowman was “cute while it lasted.” Junior Sulu Yenkong said that the snow day “made his day” as he “made snowballs and rolled around in the snow.” Freshman Atabong Jefe spent her days with friends by “throwing snowballs at each other” and making a snow blob near the front of the school.
Maryland doesn’t experience a lot of snow, so it’s always a joy when school closes because of it. As the temperatures rise from below freezing, students secretly hope for another snow day come February.