Growing up, I watched more Disney shows and movies than I did on Nickelodeon. However, when I went over to see family, my cousins and I would watch Teen Nick. My favorite Nick show at the time was Henry Danger because of the chilling fight scenes and epic stunts. Now that I’m a sophomore, I’ll occasionally watch old Nick content, but I always go towards Disney. My favorite Disney movie is Turning Red because of how relatable the characters were and how the movie portrayed teenagers’ quirkiness at that age. But that’s just my personal preference.
The Raider Review polled 46 ERHS students for their opinions on Disney and Nickelodeon. 56.5% of them voted Disney as their preferred program. An anonymous freshman likes Disney because it helped her realize that “dreams can come true, no matter how big or small they are.” Junior Annie Nguyen adds that Disney’s shows, such as Gravity Falls and Hannah Montana, taught her to “see good in people and be kind to people.” Disney also had a “unique [sense of] humor that is overall sweet and funny,” in contrast to Nick’s “unhinged” humor, in Nguyen’s opinion.
On the flip side, 43.5% of students chose Nickelodeon over Disney. Sophomore Omotosho Oladejo states that compared to Disney, Nick is “more fun, less corny, and doesn’t take itself too seriously.” The channel made Oladejo feel like a kid again, which helped him “mature nicely.” Junior Isaac Afihene agrees, adding that while Nick’s shows, such as Spongebob and The Loud House, provided entertainment, they also gave him “universal life lessons and common knowledge” about how the world worked.
Regardless of whether you like Disney better than Nick or vice versa, both channels provide people of all ages with entertainment and life lessons that we can all find beneficial. They whisk us away to a fictional world where we can feel like we experience what the characters do. May we all live like those on our screens and discover the true meaning of fulfilling our destinies.