Greetings! I’m Jethro Punzalan, a staff writer on the ERHS Raider and I am introducing my advice column! If you have any questions to ask me (and the rest of The Raider staff) regarding a personal problem, please feel free to send them to my e-mail at [email protected] direct message my Twitter @RaiderJethro. You can post your name as anonymous or with your real name, and start off the question with “Dear Jethro”. To start off the advice column, we featured the question of one of our staff writers.
Dear Jethro,
My brother and I have been getting into arguments about who should sit in the front seat. What should I do?
– Julian
Dear Julian,
I know exactly how you feel. I also constantly fight with my brother over who gets to sit in the front seat. You’re not alone in this, as pretty much most other siblings do this as well. I have three suggestions for you to resolve this:
1) Give way to your brother
If you are the older sibling, it would be a generous thing to do. Who knows? Your brother just might return the favor someday. If you are the younger sibling, giving way would be a sign of respect.
2) Organize a system
Creating a system on who goes on front at certain times is a great way to resolve the argument. For example, you and your brother can agree to have certain days on who goes on front. You go on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and he goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays one week, and then the next week, you swap days.
3) Evaluate why you want the front seat
If the other two suggestions don’t work, evaluate why you want to sit in the front in the first place. The argument would be nonexistent if there were no incentive to sitting up front. What’s wrong with the backseat? Many rich and powerful people prefer to sit in the back and be driven than sit in the front. If you think about sitting in the back as they do, you just might prefer the back. Another incentive to sitting in the backseat is that it’s much safer in case of a car crash.
Feel free to join in the conversation by posting a comment or by tweeting any other suggestions for Julian @RaiderJethro!