Dem Raider Boyz on Game of Talents
Members of Dem Raider Boyz while in California, filming their Game of Talents episode. Photo courtesy of iamso_rich (Richard Melvern, coach of Dem Raider Boyz) on Instagram
May 17, 2021
Dem Raider Boyz, Eleanor Roosevelt’s male step team, was recently featured on Fox’s new show, Game of Talents, which first aired on March 10 of this year. The show is hosted by Wayne Brady of Whose Line Is It Anyway. The show consists of two pairs of contestants competing to correctly guess what each performer’s hidden talent is using only their assumptions and a few clues given by the host, according to the Fox Game of Talents website. Each team of contestants has the chance to win more than $200,000 by correctly guessing each performer’s talent. Dem Raider Boyz’s episode, titled “Crazy Twists, Flying Dummies, and a Scorpion on the Loose”, aired on April 7. Based on the clues given by Brady, a mother and daughter team, Tehya and Yemela, were able to correctly guess Dem Raider Boyz’s talent and won $10,000.
Kamari Buggs, a senior on the team, said that the team was at practice when they got a phone call from Game of Talents, inviting them onto the show. Buggs said that “[he], as well as the rest of the team, [were] really excited to showcase [their] talents on TV.” He mentioned that this was his first time on TV, and that “it was so much fun and a memory [he’ll] never forget”. Buggs also said, regarding Wayne Brady and the contestants, that “[p]erforming in front of them and seeing how amazed they were at watching us was such a blessing.” Buggs commented that he wouldn’t change anything about the experience and that it was “one of the best experiences that [he’s] ever had.”
Senior Jennifer Taylor watched the episode because she “wanted to support [her] friends”. Taylor said that she knows a lot of people on the team, “all of the seniors and some of the juniors”. She also vocalized that she “just like[s] seeing DRB performances in general” and that “they were always amazing when they performed at school”. Taylor said that it was “amazing” to see people from her school on TV and that she was “so proud to see them do so well.” She added that she could tell that Dem Raider Boyz were putting their all into the performance, that she loved “the energy,” and that “their moves were on point.”
As for the future of Dem Raider Boyz, Buggs says that he is “100% confident in the team and its future members that they’ll perform on T[V] again”. Buggs also mentioned that he “definitely see[s] [himself] doing step in college and even performing on [TV] again one day”. Congratulations to Dem Raider Boyz on their Game of Talents success and here’s to the future!
To watch DRB’s performance click the link: here