A Peek at the College Sports Recruitment Process

Lamon Lyles

How are ERHS athletes trying to get recruited to a college? How do they try to expose themselves to the college coaches, or how do the ERHS coaches try to get their player recruited? An article from college resource Unigo says “Typically the best time to start is late in your sophomore year or early in your junior year of high school.” So this means juniors and sophomores need to go hard during this time in high school. And if you’re a senior it’s not necessarily too late but you’re behind the 8 ball. USA Today High School Sports says “student-athletes need to be realistic about which programs might be interested in recruiting them.” Which is true because not every athlete is going D1 or D2; you have to know your skill level and be realistic. 

I interviewed Fernando Gomez who plays varsity baseball for Roosevelt and I asked him, what are you doing to get recruited? He said he is “Grinding more and more everyday. When I entered high school I thought I was gonna be a star automatically, but after seeing the bench all freshmen year I knew I didn’t want to repeat that ever again. So all of 2019 and 2020 I have been working on my swing, fielding, pitching, and overall speed/endurance.” Then I asked how the school is helping him get recruited and he said “I play for one of the best teams in PG county. Roosevelt is seen as a great team as I am grateful to be able to play with teammates and coaches that have the power and knowledge to get me far.” The last question I asked him was if he has looked for scholarships and he replied “Right now, I don’t have any scholarships but I’m not worried. As soon as the spring hits, if we do have a season I will put everything on the field and let the coaches come. I don’t care if it’s D1,D2,D3, JUCO or anything. I’m grateful for everything.” I agreed with everything he said during this interview and find it inspirational because of his attitude toward the recruiting process. This is the average recruiting process for every athlete in ERHS and for some it’s even more complicated.