ERHS Students Go Without Lockers for the First Week of School
The lockers in the basement of ERHS.
September 23, 2019
Due to an error in SchoolMax, the student population of Eleanor Roosevelt High School has had to go without lockers for the first week and a half of school. While the administration is attempting to fix these issues, many students question why this could not have happened before school started.
An announcement made by the school administration clarified that the issue would be solved within the first two weeks of school, as the locker assignments needed to be redone. The core issue was traced to an error in SchoolMax: the system mistakenly assigning multiple students to the same lockers. An announcement was made to students and parents of Eleanor Roosevelt clarifying the issue.
Junior Brett Murphy has been keeping his school supplies in his brother’s car as a quick fix to the issue. Unfortunately, “it is not the most convenient solution” because “not all teachers let you [go to the car] between classes” like you could with a locker. Among these complaints, there was a resounding hope that the lockers would be fixed with just a little patience from the student body.
Students have complained that the lack of lockers creates issues with backpack weight. Cassandra Figueroa, senior and frequent locker-user, claimed to have used her locker “3 to 4 times a day” in previous years and has had some issues with her “super heavy backpack.” These complaints have been echoed by other members of the student body. Senior Isabella Grady, noting that it is “kinda irritating” and that “[her] back hurts”, also adding that as a student “you just have to be patient” with the administration and “completely [understood] why we do not have lockers yet.” Even with the unfortunate situation, most students would rather await lockers and be patient than create an issue that will hopefully be quickly fixed by the administration.